Fixed object jumping is hard to learn without help. The senior members of our sport all learned the hard way. We were lucky to get away with as much as we did. Some were not so lucky. Two different courses of instruction are offered. They vary in length , depth and scope but both are provided to keep new or prospective jumpers from repeating the mistakes of those that came before.
For course prices and scheduling please contact us
This curriculum is a comprehensive treatise on every aspect of the sport from equipment and techniques to ethics and philosophy. It is the product of 24 total years of jumping, teaching and learning. A written manual, reference and resource materials, and use of equipment are all provided. Instruction is one on one and takes between 2 and 3 days to complete. The student will leave with a thorough understanding of his/her equipment and the ability to pack/configure it confidently. An understanding of how to approach the sport and the tools required to participate safely and responsibly are presented along with physical practice. Classes are limited to two students. Consider it analogous to a USPA D-license. Everything from history to ethics is covered. It is formatted to maximize learning and uses jumps and/or physical practice to add context to all lectures and printed matter. At the conclusion of the equipment phase, the student will be able to confidently, configure and pack for a variety of jumps. There is detailed discussion on site analysis, site access, different types of exits, running, floater, aerobatics etc. The most important thing that is conveyed is an approach to BASE jumping that fosters responsible decision making and constant learning. It is our goal to provide our graduates with the information, resources and ethic to gain experience after the course as safely as possible. We attempt to deliver more than facts but also the actual tools that define a good BASE jumper. The course is custom tailored to the specific needs and desires of the student. Generally, several jumps are made during the three-day course. Video and written reference materials are included.
This one-day course is intended for the BASE jumper / prospective BASE jumper or rigger who wishes to learn more about their equipment and how to pack/configure it properly. No Jumps or jumping theory are included.
The course covers the evolution and history of BASE jumping equipment and packing techniques. Inspection (both field and shop) and basic maintenance are explained. Damage vs. wear, critical vs. non-critical damage etc.. Packing is explained in-depth and practiced. Equipment configuration is explained and practiced for different types of jumps (slider down or off, slider up, D-bag etc). Includes manual.
We can provide technical or support information as well as testing services for unique jumps or BASE jumping related projects. We can also help with prototyping or custom sewing needs.
We employ several FAA Master Riggers and offer complete parachute rigging services for BASE and skydiving.
| Order Forms | Price List |

Consolidated Rigging, Inc.
1900 NE 3rd. St., Ste 106-187
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 382-6359 Phone/Fax
website: http://www.crmojo.com
